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further to the discussion about age and grumpiness

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What was the best decade for you, and what was the worst, and why?


The 50's are the best so far for me, because I am confident and doing what I wish, living where I wish, and I know now I've done a good job with the kids. My menopausal hormones have stabilized. Dh and I have survived severe health and financial problems, and that gives us confidence. The 30's were also wonderful because the kids were little.


The teens and forties were the worst, because of hormonal problems, and also because the kids were going through the scary teens.

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I'm glad to hear the 50's are the best. I'm in my 40's and I'm having a good time so far. Early teenage years were hard, late thirties were hard. but there would so many good times mixed with them I wouldn't change it.


However, I was miserable when I turned 30. I was pregnant and sick almost every day and I felt old. :lol: 30 isn't old, what was I thinking.

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