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We're starting back Monday!


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:) Dd isn't thrilled about starting back so early, but between my fibromyalgia and my MIL's recent diagnosis of Alzheimer's, I figured we should go ahead and start. I never know when I might have to take some time off during the year for my flares, or now to help care for my MIL. (she's going downhill mentally pretty quick.:sad::sad:)


Anyone else starting this soon?? I really don't feel ready, and I don't even have everything I need yet :eek: but I thought we could just ease into the year. :)

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We school 4 days a week when we're not in Classical Conversations and like to travel while most students are in school. We're using Sonlight this year, so I feel like I'm really slacking on the planning end, but it's all done for me; I think I'm gonna like this!


Have a great school year!

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We were supposed to start Aug 4th but because we've decided to take a 3 week vacation back to WI in Sept the kid suggested starting early so we'll start the 28th (my mom's coming in to town tomorrow for a week or we'd be starting monday)


We'll also take our school stuff with us since we'll be visiting my parents and grandma and they'll all be at work during the day. Although I don't know how much we'll get done so I thought the starting early is a good idea. I figured it out and that way if we decide to not do any schooling while at my parents we'll still finish the first week of june like we wanted to. Just by giving up a few days at Thanksgiving and in the late spring. We already had one of the Sept. weeks scheduled as a week off.


The kids are raring to go, but we've been off since the end of April too so I'm sure that's part of it.

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Sorry to hear about your MIL's condition. Try not to stress out about feeling underprepared to start school--one of the loveliest things about homeschooling is its flexibility. Perhaps you could start with the subjects that mostly "run themselves" and add others as you have time to do the planning. I hope you have a smooth year and end up with lots of "days off" at the end that you didn't have to use!



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Sorry to hear about your MIL's condition. Try not to stress out about feeling underprepared to start school--one of the loveliest things about homeschooling is its flexibility. Perhaps you could start with the subjects that mostly "run themselves" and add others as you have time to do the planning. I hope you have a smooth year and end up with lots of "days off" at the end that you didn't have to use!



Thanks so much! I'm trying not to stress, as we're all *really* stressed about MIL right now, but every now and then I get a little freaked out that I'm not doing something right, etc. I hope we do end up w/ lots of days off at the end! :001_smile:

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We normally school year round, so this three-week break has been a very long one for DS. I'm expecting Monday to be tough!


I'm also starting a somewhat different approach to history, and have warned DS that now that he is 12, I'm expecting a lot more from him.

Michelle T

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We always take the month of December off, then in January, we had a horrible round of illness followed by my mother being in the hospital. So, we had an extra long time off so I am schooling more this summer. We just had a few weeks off and are starting back on Monday.



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