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Why can't my MIL just keep her trap shut?

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My MIL knows everything about EVERYTHING. Im so glad that I have her there to cut me off, correct me when I'm "wrong" and explain to me why everything happens the way it does. BUT.. most of all.. I love her extremely accurate statistics.


My favorite: "Well you know 1 in 4 babies drown in the toilet."


:lol: Thank you so much - I sure needed a laugh this morning!

(Plus I'm preparing for a week long visit from the in-laws over Thanksgiving and need some mental preparation. Last time they visited, MIL would talk non-stop for HOURS - I once timed a record 7 second pause - and frequently commented on how rude it is when people don't look you straight in the eye when they are being spoken to :ack2:)

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My MIL knows everything about EVERYTHING. Im so glad that I have her there to cut me off, correct me when I'm "wrong" and explain to me why everything happens the way it does. BUT.. most of all.. I love her extremely accurate statistics.


My favorite: "Well you know 1 in 4 babies drown in the toilet."



My fav is when the mil goes to the kids and feeds them carp, then swears them to a vow a silence. REally?!

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:lol: Thank you so much - I sure needed a laugh this morning!

(Plus I'm preparing for a week long visit from the in-laws over Thanksgiving and need some mental preparation. Last time they visited, MIL would talk non-stop for HOURS - I once timed a record 7 second pause - and frequently commented on how rude it is when people don't look you straight in the eye when they are being spoken to :ack2:)


:grouphug: You poor thing! A WEEK!? Whew.. good luck!

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