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Imagine if you will . . .

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... A momma with much to do, including a paper to write, but a twining back. That's me! Therefore, I have to decided to sit on the comfortable couch, as opposed to the hard wooden chair, and go back to the paper later.


Please join me in my cozy home, on the wonderfully cushioned couch, if you'd like, or the recliner next to it. Here, let me move that pile of books so that you can actually sit down.


Would you like some coffee or tea? I even have sugar-free energy drinks. And I have munchies for every one. Let's enjoy the quiet awhile, while my kids are taking their quiet times.


What is your favorite part of fall? I love the way the leaves throw a party with a plethora of color. Wish I lived somewhere I could see that!


You? :bigear:

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Well, I've been forced to stop my usual whirlwind of craziness while recuperating from surgery, so I'll join you. I may have to lie back on your couch, though. Tea sounds lovely.


I actually went outside and took a little walk up and down in front of my house today because it was such a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the leaves are changing, the air was crisp and lovely. It felt good to be outside for a bit.

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... A momma with much to do, including a paper to write, but a twining back. That's me! Therefore, I have to decided to sit on the comfortable couch, as opposed to the hard wooden chair, and go back to the paper later.


Please join me in my cozy home, on the wonderfully cushioned couch, if you'd like, or the recliner next to it. Here, let me move that pile of books so that you can actually sit down.


Would you like some coffee or tea? I even have sugar-free energy drinks. And I have munchies for every one. Let's enjoy the quiet awhile, while my kids are taking their quiet times.


What is your favorite part of fall? I love the way the leaves throw a party with a plethora of color. Wish I lived somewhere I could see that!


You? :bigear:


I'd like coffee with heavy cream and sugar free coffee syrup. I'll have low carb munchies if you have them.


My favorite part of fall is the cooler weather and the changing colors of the leaves, although living in south Alabama the colors are not as vibrant as they are in other places.


When my little one wakes up from her nap, then we have to go to the bank & the drug store, but I SO wish I didn't have to leave the house today.

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Lynn, my couch has a recliner on either end so lean away! :D


Free indeed, I have coffee but no heavy cream or syrup. Sorry. I do have two different kinds of milk though!


LittleIzumi, I've been in the desert so long I'd forgotten about the smell of fall! You're right - that is a great smell!

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