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Teachers Lounge 10-10-2012

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Today's Lounge is sponsored by the Dentist's Office. :tongue_smilie: Had to have two cavities filled today. Joys.


But now I'm here! Yay! :hurray:


What's on your school plan today? Here: short day and mostly decluttering and putting away. My husband told a couple at church (without consulting me) that we'd be glad to babysit their two kids (6 and 8), overnight even!, this Friday. He now expects me to have the house neat and tidy by then. Yeah, right. I will do what we can but I'm not breaking my back so two kids can come over. Besides, before he informed me of this, I had already told him I planned to be scrapbooking that night, elsewhere. :D Which is true! :coolgleamA:


Anyone tired and unmotivated today? Oh, pick me!


What's for lunch? Here, for me: breakfast sandwich, cheetos, and coffee. Going to need it today!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I am SO tired! I may have to take another nap! I felt okay this morning. However, I am evidently highly sensitive to epinephrine (which I forgot to tell the dentist) and I instantly feel when it hits! What it does is cause the anesthetic to work faster by speeding up your circulatory system. Then after being in the dentist's office for about an hour having cavities filled and whatnot, I found I got really cold. When I got home I was really tired and still am! I'm wondering if it isn't the "drop" after the anesthetic w/epi wears off.

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My older dd typically sleeps a lot and feels bad after epi. Sleep.


I had my big Wednesday meeting that required me to be brilliant, organized and articulate for over an hour. I am now having trouble stringing sentences together. My head still hurts. I refuse to take my zombie medicine today but have opted for pain medicine to help me cope (after my meeting). I don't have time for unmotivated.


Youngest has finished her school work, except for her poetry. I'm putting dinner on soon - chicken and pumpkin something something (gotta find that recipe). Lunch was an apple with pb for me (what of it I could manage to eat) and leftover fajitas for youngest. I have more work, but at least I didn't go to the dentist or get epinephrine. You seriously need a nap. Feel better.

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I may take your advice, Karen! I'm still feeling worn out and I already took a short nap. Sadly, I still have a lot to do today. Like homework. Next time I think I may make the dental appt for one of the Saturdays they're open or much later in the afternoon. Bleah.


Hey, when you find that recipe for chicken and pumpkin something something, please share! :D

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Today's Lounge is sponsored by the Dentist's Office. Had to have two cavities filled today. Joys.
You have amazingly good humor for such a visit. :D


...But now I'm here! Yay!


What's on your school plan today? Here: short day and mostly decluttering and putting away. My husband told a couple at church (without consulting me) that we'd be glad to babysit their two kids (6 and 8), overnight even!, this Friday. He now expects me to have the house neat and tidy by then. Yeah, right. I will do what we can but I'm not breaking my back so two kids can come over. Besides, before he informed me of this, I had already told him I planned to be scrapbooking that night, elsewhere. :D Which is true! :coolgleamA:

Oh-my-stars! I don't know which is worse -- the cavity filling or the unsolicited baby sitting job?!?!?!:ohmy::angry::eek:


...Anyone tired and unmotivated today? Oh, pick me!
I feel pretty motivated. Been helping my 10th grader get through his school work. (He's a bit behind since he attended a youth retreat this past week.)


What's for lunch? Here, for me: breakfast sandwich, cheetos, and coffee. Going to need it today!
Well, you've *earned* that fabulously eclectic meal, my dear! :w00t: I had leftover beef teriyaki stir fry and rice (and it was yummy).
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Margaret, hope you enjoy your pizza. As for your middle's soc prof, he's treading on dangerous ground considering where he's teaching! You tell your middle that personally, I am very proud of her and thankful for her. I am a veteran and I understand what she's doing. Maybe next time she can tell the prof, "If you can't stand behind our military, please feel free to stand in front of them!" :D

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Finally able to poke my head in here. Today has been crazy busy - calling our realtor and running errands. Yet again no school here :D


But the good news is that I'm going to look at 2 houses tomorrow, and we have a tentative offer on our current house!


I will be so glad once this is done!

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