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Combining CLE and MUS


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I use CLE with dd10, ds7, and dd6. I was considering supplementing with MUS for dd6 and possibly ds7. Have any of you done this? Could we just watch the videos since our main program is CLE? My dd6 just turned 6 in August and is in CLE 102. She just seems to be struggling a little bit more than my dd10 and ds7 did at this point (but is also a very young 1st grader). What would you do? Would you supplement with MUS or maybe MM?

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I would at least get the student workbook and the blocks to go with MUS so that she could do some practice problems for what she learned in the MUS video lesson. Do you know what she is having a problem with specifically. If it is that there are too many different things going on in the CLE lesson at one time MUS might be alot better for her since you are only working on 1 new topic at a time although you do continue to review what you have already learned. Unless she is just a really visual learner I don't think she would get a lot out of the videos without the blocks and then a few practice problems from the workbook. You might even decide to use MUS as your main program for her this year with CLE as the supplement then switch her latter.

The other suggestion I would have is slow her down in the CLE and really make sure she understands each concept well- don't rush her through any math program just to get it done in a certain time frame. Mine are using CLE right now with RS, we used MUS last year along with RS. I"m surprised how much work CLE is and how long it takes. Almost everything they are doing in CLE is review for them at the moment. IF they were learning new concepts in CLE they would be having math breakdowns without a doubt. CLE covers alot of different concepts in each lesson compared to RS and MUS.

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I would at least get the student workbook and the blocks to go with MUS so that she could do some practice problems for what she learned in the MUS video lesson. Do you know what she is having a problem with specifically. If it is that there are too many different things going on in the CLE lesson at one time MUS might be alot better for her since you are only working on 1 new topic at a time although you do continue to review what you have already learned. Unless she is just a really visual learner I don't think she would get a lot out of the videos without the blocks and then a few practice problems from the workbook. You might even decide to use MUS as your main program for her this year with CLE as the supplement then switch her latter.

The other suggestion I would have is slow her down in the CLE and really make sure she understands each concept well- don't rush her through any math program just to get it done in a certain time frame. Mine are using CLE right now with RS, we used MUS last year along with RS. I"m surprised how much work CLE is and how long it takes. Almost everything they are doing in CLE is review for them at the moment. IF they were learning new concepts in CLE they would be having math breakdowns without a doubt. CLE covers alot of different concepts in each lesson compared to RS and MUS.


My dd6 is having trouble understanding that, for example, 43 is larger than 21. For her facts, she is counting on her hands.

I actually called MUS today and spoke with someone for a while. I was really impressed. I ordered Gamma, Beta, and Alpha to take a look at. All of it. The teacher kit, student kit, and blocks. I might try it out, but keep going with CLE until I make a decision.

Did you switch from MUS to CLE?

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We used MUS Primer and half of Alpha for my now 7 year old son. He really hated how many problems there were on the MUS pages. This seems crazy to me cause it is really not that many, but for some reason it overwhelmed him, even though it was only one page. I also realized at the halfway mark that he could figure out any of the problems, but didn't really understand them. He knew how to get the correct answer with the blocks, but didn't get what it meant.


So I decided to supplement with CLE cause I was hesitant to give up on MUS. But just 2 units into CLE we dropped MUS completely. Even though CLE is 3 pages my son doesn't mind it. He loves that it is just a few of each type of problem. And more importantly he suddenly understands it and is now able to memorize it. He is now able to use his MUS blocks for his CLE work if he gets stuck.


Having said all that (sorry for the tangent!) if you decide not to stick with MUS I think you should pay extra attention to some of the written directions in the CLE manual. I didn't realize till 70 lessons in that almost every day I was supposed to have my son show me certain numbers on the hundreds/tens/ones chart in the back of the unit. We started doing that but with his decimal street that we made last year.


Overall we have been much happier with CLE. This year I am planning on supplementing with RS for my kinder son cause I'm hoping it lays a better foundation with place value than MUS.


I feel like I have said nothing helpful, but I wanted to share our experience with the 2 programs. :001_smile:

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Well, we ultimately found that MUS was TOO mastery based for my oldest daughter. We still do use the teaching techniques and manipulatives if she gets stuck and needs more illustration - but we've moved to CLE (I'm waiting for the blocks to come). We did MM in between but she didn't seem to dig it - maybe because it was too abstract/mental math based? Not sure!

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I switched from MUS to CLE but at a review level we have also been doing the flashcards and timed drills (we which didn't do with MUS,probably should have) I think we are almost ready to go back and finish Beta which was the level we were doing before the switch the main problem with mind dc was that they didn't have their facts memorized so some of the bigger problems in MUS were causing a breakdown I do like both problems. And for the person who said they hoped that RS would be good for place value I think it is great for that.

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