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Looking for an SWB audio lecture....

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In one of SWB's audio lectures she mentions another lecture about how to read a book (she mentions timelines being employed in the second reading). I have the following lectures but none of them discuss this. Is it available? What's it called?


Here's what I have:

Homeschooling the Real Child

What is Literary Analysis?

Teaching Writing - The Elementary Years

The Joy of Classical Education

If I Could Do It Over Again

Educating Ourselves As We Educate Our Children

Great Books: History As Literature


Did I just miss it? Is it even available as an MP3 Download?



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I think that's the one that makes reference to it. She says that in the next lecture she'll go into more detail about how to go about reading a book. She also mentions that timelines are not useful in the first pass but are useful in the second pass. I just really wanted to listen to that lecture.



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I think that's the one that makes reference to it. She says that in the next lecture she'll go into more detail about how to go about reading a book. She also mentions that timelines are not useful in the first pass but are useful in the second pass. I just really wanted to listen to that lecture.




I remember that statement, but I am not sure where to find it.


Do you have the other Plan for Teaching Writing lectures? Or the Great Books one? I am leaning toward thinking it is the Great Books one.


You might try PMing a mod. I think they all work at PHP, so they might be able to help.

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