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astrophysics questions

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So, my family has recently been talking about what the sky would look like from a planet in a binary solar system, and we have all these questions and I'm not sure where to find the answers. So here I am, because you folks seem to have answers, or ideas about where to find answers, for everything.


Here are some of the questions we have. How do the stars in a cluster interact with each other? Do they move in each other's skies or are they fixed like the faraway ones? Would you see them in the daytime? How does a planet orbit a binary star system, and what kinds of seasons does that produce? For that matter, what kind of days and nights?


Any ideas?

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Well, I only poked around there for a couple of seconds, and didn't find exactly what you were looking for, but






have a lot of interactive stuff about exoplanets, which may include a way to simulate binary systems. I believe they have located about 7-800 exoplanets as of right now......



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