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The teaching company DVDs (history)

Ruth Smith

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HI! I haven't heard anything about these history courses but they sound awesome. Any experience?
We are working through several of their DVD series for enrichment and have yet to find any that have not been homeruns. Did you have a question about a specific course? If it's one that we have worked through, I'd be happy to try and answer any questions. :)
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They are mostly college professors giving lectures. They're not very exciting, but the content is good. I wouldn't use them for anyone under high school level, since these are college people using complex thoughts and vocabulary. If you have a student who can focus on an entire sermon, then maybe that student can focus on an entire TC lecture (they're usually either 30 or 45 minutes long each). There are some graphics and illustrations, but mostly it's the lecturer's face you're looking at. We have a few courses, some history and some science, and for high school they work out pretty well if the child can focus well enough. That's my opinion, anyway.

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Haven't used them, but *just* got a catalog yesterday from them and their sale prices are way low compared to their original price. i.e. $255 programs are now listed at $80.


The catalog has course for high school kids. I found it very interesting how they picked out the teachers for their videos and wanted only top notch teachers that were engaging and could present their material in a way students could understand.


One of the ways one can order is at http://www.TEACH12.com so maybe they have more info. and/or the sale rates there?

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I use Teaching Company DVDs as my "teach the teacher" program. I love them! I was able to get some from our library--Vikings and the world history one by Linwood Thompson who dresses up in costume. I invested in one on Martin Luther and one called The History of the U.S. We listened to much of How to Understand and Listen to Great Music on car trips. I'll pop a dvd in when I'm folding laundry or ready to wind down at night. I learn a lot, and I'm able to share interesting things with my kids (like Viking helmets didn't have horns--that would just give your enemy a handle to grab onto. They loved that fact and repeated it often, especially when they saw a helmet with horns in a drawing). I will continue to invest in one or two sets per year (my Christmas and birthday presents). I'm guessing my 8 yo will be ready for them around 8th grade. Sometimes she'll listen for a few minutes now. They loved running in to see Linwood Thompson's costumes when I watched that one.


The not so big secret is that every course goes on sale at least once a year. I think at the end of the year all of them were on sale for a few days. You only buy them on sale! There is sometimes free shipping for orders over $150 (right now for instance, and at Christmas time). Once you buy a course, you will get catalogues every few weeks describing in great detail the current courses on sale. Try to see if they are at your library so you can see if you would like them without investing your own money first. I have enjoyed all of the courses I've seen.

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