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I am in search of christian-based science curriculum that isn't written with a creationist viewpoint.

HELP!!! :)


Ummm... are you sure that is what you mean? Perhaps you mean Christian but not young earth? Because as far as I know, there is no such thing as a Christian that is not creationist. :confused:

Ummm... are you sure that is what you mean? Perhaps you mean Christian but not young earth? Because as far as I know, there is no such thing as a Christian that is not creationist. :confused:


I plan to use Apologia anyway. I am looking on the bright side and planning to use the stuff we don't agree with as an chance to talk about things that we would not have otherwise. Honestly, I never new so many people believe in a young earth until I started looking for science curriculum so it will allow us to look into the other side of the coin and we will look more deeply into evidence that supports our own beliefs as well. If your dc are very young, this may be difficult to do-it may be too many viewpoints for them to grasp. My ds will be in 8th grade this year and I don't think it will confuse him to read the book and discuss where our beliefs differ the same way we would discuss evolution in a secular textbook.


right. i mean not strictly "young earth."

our kids are young, but i like to plan ahead. :) i want to start with something that they can chew on now and then present all theories and ideas when they're older. apologia is the science used in the curriculum we are starting with.


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