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Math on the Level VS. Right Start and where are you supposed to be in 5th grade?

Karen sn

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Ok, here's the situation.

I was homeschooling dd and went back to school for nursing. During this time I put her in a school that claimed to be Montessori. They were really not. We are behind in Math.


I consider her going into 5th grade this year.


We started using Right Start Level A years ago. So I have all the manipulatives because I thought we would continue this way.


But now I am not so sure.


What should a 4th grader have under their belt at this point?


I looked at the Math on the Level curriculum and it sounded good in theory - but when I looked at sample lessons I was a bit overwhelmed. How hard or easy is it to use? Do you need all the extra "how to teach and how to chart it all" books they sell? Will my Right Start manipulatives work here or would I need to get all new from them?


I am soooooooo overwwhelmed.

For years we homeschooled/unschooled/laid back.


Her dyslexic issues are almost worked through/grown out of. And now we need to get serious in Math. I don't know where to start! I liked the sound of The Level stuff because I figured we could start at the begining and see where we ended up already being at the present without having to order several levels of any cirriculum. But looking at the inside of those books - yikes!



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I haven't seen Math on the Level, so I'm no help there. Many people go from RightStart to BJU math and really like it. Your manipulatives will work well with it and it's a standard progression. By the end of 4th grade, they've done quite a bit of division and introduced dividing multi-digit into multi-digit. They also have done some adding fractions with renaming.


Have you tried giving her a placement test for horizons or saxon, just to see where she's actually at?

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Math on the level - you do not need to buy any kind of manipulatives for this, just use anything you have. As for do you need all the extra, it is NOT extra, it is the program. I don't think they even sell the books individually. As for placing a child, with MOTL, you would go through the concepts list, and check off the ones you know your child knows. This will be obvious for most things, but as you become uncertain about a concept, that is where you include it on the 5 a day review. If the child misses b/c does not understand, then that topic needs to be taught/retaught. There are no "workbooks" with this program, it is completely teacher led, hands on, real life math, with review problems provided. It is up to you to actually teach each concept, and the guides provide methods for you to go about teaching.


It does seem a bit overwhelming, but it is not as hard as it looks! Also, MOTL offers a 60 day money back guarantee, so you can order the set, take the time to really look it over, try it out, and return it if it just does not work. They have a very clear sample week in the guide that takes you through how to use the review charts. Also, there is a wonderful yahoo group that has a number of people using the program who have some great advice, and the author posts quite frequently too, so she is always available to answer questions. I have to say, I am pretty sold on it, I think it is a great way to teach math!

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