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TOG Literature or Excellence in Literature

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We have had a late start with school this year, so in a slight panic.


We started TOG for the first time and I am not that thrilled over the Rhetoric Literature. My daughter seems to have a glazed look in her eyes when we discuss the info. We just finished week 1.


I think it may be the year; we are in year 2. (She does not care for the middle ages.)


I am thinking of scratching TOG Lit and switching to Excellence in Literature. Since this is our first official High School year, it makes me nervous to switch.


Any experience with either of these?


My dd is not a book lover, but can handle the books listed in Excellence in Lit.

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I've used Tapestry for five full years and have taught a co-op for R level lit for one full year (starting six and two respectively this year).


We too are beginning Year 2. I consider Year 2 to be the biggest year in terms of volume of lit read and in terms of difficulty (due to the large amount of verse which tends to be less familiar to us).


However the first few weeks of this year plan are mostly the background materials that the student is reading. It might well be just getting that all read and under the belt that you are seeing. Further, you won't really start to wrestle with manuscripts like you did last year in Year 1 R material to you get to Roland in week 4.


I would strive to go ahead and get through the first unit. Believe it or not, at that point you will have covered all the literary tools you will be using all year and, in my opinion, one of the two most difficult works you'll tackle: The Inferno (although be warned Paradise Lost is a close second).


After that you will have a lot of hard work but I think you'll find it more enjoyable with a giant helping of Shakespeare in the next unit.

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I use both TOG and EIL and it is working great for ds. He loves the context links and writing assignments from EIL. For TOG Year 2 we alternated the reading between the two curriculum based upon his interest and my wishes for what needed to be covered. This year for Yr 3 EIL will be more of a supplement/enhancement than replacement. I will let him chose which writing assignments to complete.


By the way to make this work I have the complete edition of EIL in the 3-ring binder and have a syllabus with a schedule so he knows exactly what to do each week.

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