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Appendectomy packing help needed (removal of it that is)

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Last Friday, my 11 yo dd began complaining of significant stomach pain. Since she has Celiac Disease, I told her to take her stomach meds and lay down. It became progressively worse and once it didn't seem to follow her celiac pattern, I called the after hours clinic and asked their advice (which was to bring her in immediately). We got to the ER around 9:00 and was seen promptly. She was diagnosed with appendicitis after the CT scan and had her appendix removed Saturday morning. It ruptured during removal.


We finally were released yesterday afternoon. He said that the tape/packing could come off/out today but we are having trouble with it. We took off the tape and top gauze. Underneath it, there is tape and I can't tell what's underneath the tape. My assumption is that it's the packing. (The gauze we pulled off would be the amount that would be taped over a shot, so I don't think that's the packing). What's underneath the tape is red (we can see it through the tape), so I've stopped while I wait for the surgeon's office to call me back.


Meanwhile, I'm hoping that someone who has done this before can give me some pointers on how to do it. I'm typically not squeamish, but I get weird when it's my kids. If she threw up or had diarrhea, I wouldn't even blink, but blood makes me feel faint.


And again, I'm not doing anything until the surgeon's office calls me back.

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When are you going back for a check? (I would stop too at the first layer!) If doctor's office is close, you might be able to go and see the nurse for help.


We go back in 2 - 3 weeks. I did call a local doctor (he is my daughter's soccer coach) and talked with his nurse (our daughters are friends). The nurse said that we should not see any blood or such on most of the packing. She said if we wanted, we could drive up there and they would look at it but would be reluctant to see us "professionally" since we were under the care of another doctor.

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There should not be any packing in the surgical wound. If there was it should be changed twice daily or more with a wet to dry dressing. What she probably had was a dressing covering steri-strips or dermabond. Was this an open appendectomy or laparoscopic (2-3 tiny incisions). Was the appendix ruptured? I can't imagine a surgeon leaving packing in a surgical wound for 2 weeks.

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There should not be any packing in the surgical wound. If there was it should be changed twice daily or more with a wet to dry dressing. What she probably had was a dressing covering steri-strips or dermabond. Was this an open appendectomy or laparoscopic (2-3 tiny incisions). Was the appendix ruptured? I can't imagine a surgeon leaving packing in a surgical wound for 2 weeks.


Nothing was changed while we were in the hospital (approximately 4 days after surgery). They said the appendix ruptured as they were removing it. It was done laparoscopically (sp?) through her belly button. They said to remove the tape and packing today and then she needed no bandage or anything - but no bathing or sitting in water for a week - only sponge bath or shower and to try not to get it wet.


It looks like strong tape across her belly button (like clear duct tape). My understanding was to remove the packing but the gauze on top of that tape couldn't have been packing. After your post, I looked again, and you may be right. It looks red but I think I can see the incisions (at first glance, I just saw red and was queasy and looked away).


I'm leaving the tape in place until I talk with someone from their office and I told dd to leave it alone also.

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