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PSA: check under your kitchen sink!

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Please check under your sink! That way, if your garbage disposal has a tiny leak, you can find it out before it gets worse and everything you store under there is soaked and ruined. Then you will be able to replace the disposal (and more important, accumulate the budget to replace it at your leisure) before it starts SPRAYING dirty water all over the place and even if you stop using it and place masking tape over the sink to remind yourself not to use it, it may start SPRAYING again whenever you use the dishwasher.


Somehow I have the feeling we may be using paper plates for a while!


Note: we have only lived here 2 months-- just the right time for things to start breaking. When we were house-hunting, I looked under sinks, according to the Hive's advice! but i didn't realize those little speckles were evidence of a leak.

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So sorry!


We just changed ours yesterday cause it was leaking, but glad i caught before it did what yours did.


Our bigger problem was the funky smelly hose attached to it to drain the dishwasher! The thing smelled like death and it took us forever to figure out that's where it was coming from! I thought it was the disposer but it wasn't. Our dishwasher has been broken for months so we weren't using it and yuck!

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