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Calling Dr. Hive - whiplash?

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I was in a minor car accident last week - someone opened their car door forcefully as I was pulling into a parking lot and essentially took out the whole front corner of my car on the passenger side. Nobody was hurt, which was a big relief to me.


However, my upper back has been killing me all week and the last two days has progressed to my neck and migraines so severe that I can't read, sleep, or do anything.


My husband thinks it's whiplash. Has anyone here had it? Could I have whiplash from such a small collision? I'm trying to get hold of my doctor but figured I'd ask Dr. Hive for an opinion too.

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Thanks! I managed to get an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow. You have to have a referral here to get in to see a chiropractor, so hoping he'll send me. I have barely slept the last couple of days for the pain.

If you make a claim with your auto insurance, you don't have to have a referral.


Believe me when I tell you how important it is to see a chiro immediately.


And because so many medical doctors are opposed to chiropractic, I would be hesitant to get a referral from your doctor, who many not even know any.

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Doctor's diagnosis: whiplash. I now have an appointment with a chiropractor and some happy blue pills. The side benefit of the pills is that apparently they knock you right out. As a lifetime insomniac, I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me. :)

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