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Netflix ?


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They recently raised the prices, but it is still a bargain for our family.


We can get movies that we can't get anywhere else, and they are in good condition. Whenever a problem disk arrives (broken, nonworking, happens about once/year) , Netflix addressed the situation as soon as they are aware of it.


We don't have to pay the prices of rentals, and we don't have to run out to the store with two kids in carseats.


Just a quick search on Netflix:

PBS videos: There are over 200 videos to choose from, including Ken Burns "The War" on streaming.


~180 videos under the search "National Geographic." (I counted for you).


Animal planet is a little more complicated to count (and my kids need some supper soon.....)


As far as general documentaries, it is the one place I feel I can go to get documentaries (political, non-science, general).


Will they let you use their search engine on the site to look around and look up stuff before you commit? To see if it is a good choice for your family?

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We have been Netflix members for a VERY long time and we love it. There are so many educational choices both streaming and on disc. You really couldn't ask for a better selection. We have never received a disc in bad condition and I don't recall ever having one that has skipped. From the library, on the other hand, I rarely get a disc that DOESN'T skip. It is disappointing to me that their "Watch It Now" selections seem to only include documentaries and tv shows, as opposed to newer movies; however, it is still worth it to me.

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Now I have only 2 kids at home I just get one DVD and the online streaming. Usually I use the DVD for a date night at home movie with my husband as so much of the educational stuff is on Watch It Now.


We have used Netflix for years and they have a huge selection. My only complaint is that it is not easy to find things using their search engine. I usually go on to Amazon, find ideas there, and then go back to Netflix knowing the exact title I am looking for.

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For those who subscribe to netflix are there a lot of educational choices? Documentaries?


Do you do just the online version or the dvd version too? We had it a few years ago but I don't remember paying $16 a month! ouch.



We're taking a long hiatus from television, but I love Netflix, and there are a ton of fun educational things to watch. For the kids and the adults. We had it streaming using our Wii and one dvd out at a time.


Cheaper than cable and late fees at the video rental store! Plus watching something when you like rather than when it's on on the cable telly. No ad interruptions. We tried Hulu and hated it.

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While i use it a lot for documentaries, i find most of the history type documentaries are over my 8 yo's head. He liked the nature ones. and of course LIberty's Kids but last I checked, they had taken that off of streaming - we only have streaming. I keep thinking about adding back the dvds because they DID have more titles there, but I also keep thinking about just looking for movies at the library.

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Thanks ladies! I think you've all sold me on at least trying it. I think at least for now it will come in handy. DS is about to start ABA therapy and it's going to be intense. So if need be I know that I can modify subjects that aren' the 3Rs with educational shows.


Oh and Duckens thank you for all your counting and time and effort. I was only able to find a small list of available programs and it didn't include much of anything for educational programs.

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