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Is there a "theology for kids" type book-Lord's supper, angels, (Reformed CC)


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Maybe Leading Little Ones to God or Training Hearts, Teaching Minds? Those are both based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. I know they talk about the Lord's Supper... not sure about angels though.


Grandpa's Box is also a good one for that age, but it is Biblical theology rather than systematic. I wouldn't be surprised if it touches on those topics, but it would do so narratively within the context of the story of Redemption.

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I've asked the same question of my fellow Reformed-thinking homeschool friends and the best they've all come up with is "Training Hearts, Teaching Minds," too. I haven't read it, though.


(in my case, I was looking for a devotional that used the Heidelberg Catechism)

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Westminster Seminary has these and more:




Here's the group that that page came from:




Not exactly what you asked for but maybe also of help:




Hope something here will be of help in your family!

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At that age my parents took me through study guides on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Some of the questions/answers deal with those topics.

Added: Biggest memory is Williamson's two volume study guide. Also, I know GCP sells a two year Shorter Catechism curriculum geared for that age called Bible Doctrine.

Edited by averyhappymama
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We use the Children's Catechism. It goes over the being of God, what Scripture is, the person and work of Christ, the definition of sin, sacraments, 10 commandments, etc. You can get it pretty cheaply with Scripture proofs. The book Big Truths for Little Kids by Susan and Richie Hunt teaches the children's catechism and includes a story, discussion questions, and prayer topics to go along with the questions. When one of our kids finishes the children's catechism, we start teaching the Westminster Shorter Catechism. It goes into further depth than the children's catechism and also has Scripture proofs.

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