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Nervously starting tomorrow!


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Still waiting for books, and the add-ons and I still haven't typed up my planner but, the time has come! I have read and re-read handbooks, laminated everything that moves, and picked out the read-alouds we are going to start with. We did a really fun 'orientation' today, DD got her Shultute, and did some fun activities and we start with the 3 R's tomorrow!


I can't quite believe it! I'm so nervous! :tongue_smilie:

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Best of luck to you!! We had our first official week back last week and I finally got around to posting about it today. It went phenomenally well so I am happy about that while keeping realistic though-- it's not always sunshine and lollipops. Some days just suck completely. Chances are my kid would have them in "regular" school too, so I want to make sure I don't beat myself up over it. Heck- we're homeschoolers so days like that we can take a break and come back to it later.

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Have fun!! We start today too!

Thank you - fun to have the same start date? How did it go?


Best of luck to you!! We had our first official week back last week and I finally got around to posting about it today. It went phenomenally well so I am happy about that while keeping realistic though-- it's not always sunshine and lollipops. Some days just suck completely. Chances are my kid would have them in "regular" school too, so I want to make sure I don't beat myself up over it. Heck- we're homeschoolers so days like that we can take a break and come back to it later.

Thanks so much Kristen! It went pretty well though trying to entertain our 10m old at the same time was a little tricky! I like your perspective re: kids having bad days in PS too - will keep that in mind! I'm glad yours has been going well. BTW, your blog was one of the first I came across when I discovered Classical Ed/WTM - it's fantastic. Love to see what you are up to!:D


I hope you have a wonderful week.




Thanks Alison - so far so good!

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