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What else should I get if I already have the basics?


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Help me spend $150 per subject by adding more (fun stuff) to what I already have. I haven't done any formal literature with him yet, so that is something I'd like to consider, but what?


Language Arts:


I already own and plan to use

Rod and Staff 6,

WWE 4, and WWS 1


History: Quest for a hemisphere (US history) with the Teacher's and Student guide.


Thanks for your ideas.

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Nice globe, maps, etc. Computer games like "where in the world is Carmen Sandiago". Timeline book and timeline figures. Documentaries.


Nice dictionary, thesaurus, etc? Nicely bound copies of some classic books? Or just go nuts buying a bunch of fiction?

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For history:

A Hands & Hearts kit





Don't faint of the price of the last ones! The Jackdaws add an extra dimension to history work, imo. The Kid and I are doing American history this year and the difference between reading "President Jefferson gave instructions to the Corps of Discovery" and reading a full 4 page document + answering critical thinking questions based on the original document is HUGE. Between those, and websites like http://www.lettersofnote.com he's got the chance to actually do history, not just read someone else's regurgitated plotline.

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