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Advice on Saxon Algebra 2

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I tend to be very "clingy" when it comes to curriculum, so I need your help before I make a purchase decision.


My 9th grade daughter has used Saxon math for the past 2 years, and we have been very pleased. (Math 8/7; Algebra I (4th ed); now, Geometry)


I anticipate using Saxon Algebra 2 (4th edition; newest one) next year when she is in 10th grade. However, I recently read 2 reviewers who complained that Saxon Algebra 2 was not up to the Saxon standards. One of the reviewers wrote a very thoughtful, well-researched review which I can't easily dismiss.


So now I'm here and wondering if any of you have had a good experience with Saxon Algebra 2? (the newest edition, 4th) And, would you recommend it?


Your input would be very helpful to me since I have an opportunity to purchase a good, used set of Saxon Algebra 2.

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Well, I like it. I'm using it for myself, though, as an adult math learner, not for my kids, yet. It's NOT perfect by any means - there have been multiple errors in the solutions manual, some questions are not entirely clear with what is being asked, and I think it relies on calculators a bit much. If you are wanting a Saxon Algebra II that you can just give to your student and expect them to work on their own, this would require a dedicated student who has the ability to recognize when they are wrong, and when the text is wrong. Plus, there are, as far as I know, no CD or DVD helps for 4th edition.


That said, I like the explanations in 4th edition MUCH better. I took two tries at 3rd edition Algebra II before I gave up, I just could NOT understand what they were getting at once they got to the trig stuff around lesson 50 or so. The explanations in 4th edition are clearer. Also, the kinds of problems, especially word problems, are more varied with 4th. I feel like I have a better understanding of how all these different bits of math connect with 4th edition. The Saxon method works really well for me anyway, and I know that is certainly not true of everyone. But I really appreciate the better understanding I get from 4th, enough to put up with the fairly annoying flaws of it.


I don't know if that helps :-) I'd say, if you can truly get it cheap and have the budget for it, maybe pick it up and compare for yourself? Or if your seller is local, will she let you borrow it for a couple days to decide?

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Thank you! Our experience with 4th edition has been pretty much the same - we felt the explanations were so much better than the previous editions. I'm not a math person, but have been very comfortable walking my daughter through Algebra I and (so far) Geometry, using the lessons and examples.


I got tripped up when I read the reviews, and wondered if somehow Algebra II was really inferior to the other books in the series.


That's a good suggestion to ask to preview the books (she is a local seller). I'll ask today if that's possible. :)

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