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X-post This will be our last year homeschooling and I need advice

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After much discussion, DH and I decided that this year will be our last year of homeschooling. My main reasons for this are that I want to spend more time with my youngers (I feel guilty), I want to be able to focus more on my own studies, and I just don't feel like this is it for us anymore at this point. I feel burned out.


I know both my DD and older DS will love it. They will be in 6th and 3rd next year. What would you do this last year to prepare them?


My kids are not very sheltered. They watch regular TV (disney) and they've heard cuss words. My dd knows about sex. Having said that, I plan on having more in depth talks about these things.


Academically, the school district hear seems to be on the better end. I've talked to many people and they all speak highly of the schools here. I've spoken to a former homeschooler whose dd is in 6th grade and she's very pleased with it. (I am worried about middle school..) She also told me that these schools here still teach to ability and not to the test, which is great. Having said this, what should we work on for academics?


Mostly I'm woried about myself, LOL. I have control issues. Haha. I think about lunch and how I don't want them eating what the school offers (I will be packing their lunches). I worry about the nurse "accidently" giving them shots. So my questions is, how do I get over my own issues?


Thanks for reading!! :)

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I would look at the school websites and see what the expectations are. Check the common core as well. For instance, did you know that as part of the common core, 5th graders are supposed to be able to type two pages in one sitting?!?! That was shocking to me.


You should be able to email the 3rd grade teachers at the school and ask for expectations for the beginning of the year. Or, email the 2nd grade teachers and ask how you can best prepare your child for third grade at their school. If you are respectful, they should be helpful.


I think the biggest difference, depending on how you homeschool, is that public schools usually require a LOT more writing. It's crappy writing, but the quantity requirement is high. So, I'd grab a 6+1 Traits book (what many districts use) and take your kids through it. At least they'll be familiar with the language.


Make sure they know how to use a binder. (Silly, but essential.)


I wouldn't worry too much about your 6th grader in other areas if she is going to a middle school with kids from different elementary feeders. They will have to train all the kids anyhow. Unless, however, you want her in an advanced class. She won't have a recommendation from her 5th grade teacher, so you want to find out the requirements now.


That's all I can think of! Good luck!

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I would vote skills over content.

Reading, written narration, math facts, and maybe if they need to know the paragraph/essay formats, topic sentences, supporting sentences.


:iagree: I would also recommend on getting their writing stamina up. Ariel's PS friends do tons of writing, and most of them are just starting third grade.

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