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Any artists? Mural storage question inside. . .

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What should I do?


Last week, my 15 yo dd painted scenery for her ballet camp. She took 2 white shower curtains, and painted a beautiful fair scene with acrylics and some poster paint. She really, really wants to save this! I'm just worried that if we fold it up and put it in a box, it will crack and flake off?


What do I do to preserve and store it? Anyone??

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yea my 15 year old dd does alot of painting for people and going to art school. Something like that will chip and fall apart. I really don't think there is anything you can do to save it. But, my dd's private tutor for art will be here Monday night for class I can ask him for you.

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What should I do?


Last week, my 15 yo dd painted scenery for her ballet camp. She took 2 white shower curtains, and painted a beautiful fair scene with acrylics and some poster paint. She really, really wants to save this! I'm just worried that if we fold it up and put it in a box, it will crack and flake off?


What do I do to preserve and store it? Anyone??


Hi there,

I'm an artist and art teacher and will do my best to suggest. First of all, because it is a mix of acrylics and poster paint on a plastic surface it will most likely crack, peal and flake in time. Moisture could also cause the poster paint to dissolve, or even worse it could cause mold on the shower curtain. You could try to spray with a fixative, but because the surface is plastic there are no guarantees.


I would take pictures of it right away, then roll it up on to a long tube or dowel of some sort then store it horizontally in a dark, dry place. Folding it would be the end of it for sure.


Is there anywhere you could hang it for a while to enjoy or is it too big? I'm thinking just take lots of pictures and be sure to tell her next time just use acrylic paint on canvas or flat sheets on stretcher bars.


Oh, don't forget to post pictures for us to see too!






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Another artist/art teacher agreeing with the rest. Enjoy it now, hang it somewhere if you can, and take lots of pics. It will not store well. It will most likely crack and chip off and/or stick to itself. If you do want to try to store it I would do this:


Lay it out flat, spread a clean white bed sheet or cotton muslin on the side with the paint, roll it up very gently and loosly, store flat in a dry location out of heat, humidity, and light.

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