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History mayday. Should I combine SOTW & Connecting With History?


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Sadly, I am kind of regretting buying CWH. The books actually look really interesting and I like that it's Catholic. But I just can't wrap my head around how it works. There's too much work for ME to do. Don't they know I like to have the planning and work pretty much done and then just worry about *teaching* it? I feel like either a dumbo or lazy (or a lazy dumbo). I thought about ditching the whole Teacher's Guide (or whatever it is -more like a massive idea book that you have to make your own plans from! :svengo:) and just using the books like a book list and plowing through them. But I know so little about history (I have volume II which is medieval history) that I don't even know what order to read the books in so it makes any sense! :confused: I went to public school, gimme a break. :lol:


I need something to *simplify* history and be my anchor, my vision, and is "do the next thing." Do you think SOTW could be this for me?? I'm thinking of having the kids listen to the audio version (one of my kids LOVES listening to audio stories) and then just reading-aloud to them the CWH books that seem to go along with what they're listening to.


Would that work??



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We could not make CWH work either, although it is a really nice book list.


I would highly suggest doing Founders of Freedom or The Old World's Gifts to the New as your spine. SOTW 2 has some issues for us at the end, and I would skip those chapters, if you decide to use it.

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