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How do you prep for Saxon?


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I made their binders but I'm feeling like somehow I'm not doing enough to get ready so we can be the most efficient with our time next year. I should also make copies of the meeting strips and probably look through the added supplies needed for each level. I've taught K-2 before but not 3 yet. I have the cards in the side pocket of the binder and a pencil pouch to hold them as we tear them out and another pencil pouch for paper maniplutives. I have tabs for meeting, masters, drills, worksheets, and assessments (which we will file as we complete them). I have the grading sheets in there grouped together as well. I think that is all I've done so far. Anything else you do to get set up for the year that would be helpful?



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Wow! You are super organized!


My prep involves pulling out the book and gathering what we need 2 minutes before :). We dropped the meeting book after a month or 2 if memory serves.


(referring to saxon 1)



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I go through the lesson the previous evening, just to check what the new material is going to be mostly. I prep the meeting strip and gather all the materials needed, and I pull out the necessary test and/or worksheets. It takes about 10 minutes, if that much. We're on Saxon 3.

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Honestly, I open the book and start teaching, often with little looking ahead, other than pulling out the sheets needed for the next lesson and a glance at the topic. And, I pick and choose with regards to the meeting info. I don't do everything, everyday...sometimes nothing. I just review, as needed. If I for some reason don't have the supplies for the lesson that day, then I skip to the next lesson, get the supplies, and go back the the missed lesson. Saxon is super easy and comprehensive. Love it!

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No prep here either for Saxon 3 and 5/6. I can see where it would be helpful though and I have debated setting things up the night before. Somehow though, when the the kids are in bed the last thing I want to do is look at a math book!

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