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If you own a Vitamix or other great blender... Best recipes?

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We have just gotten a Vitamix. We have both the wet & dry containers. We have made a few recipes, but haven't been thrilled with the taste of many of them.


Please share some of your favorite recipes. We are looking not only for healthy recipes, but yummy tasting ones as well. Smoothies, sauces, dips, breads... I am looking for them all.


Thanks so much! Everyone have a great day! :)

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I love my Vitamix. Did yours come with the book and video? There are good recipes in there.


Here's my favorite smoothie recipe that I just kind of made up:


1/2 can coconut milk (I hate the kind in the boxes, but love canned)

1/2 cup Greek yogurt

10-15 ice cubes


Fruit- any combination. This is a great way to use fruit that is too ripe.

a banana










orange juice - only if you want it to be sweeter


Sometimes I have to use that stick to get the whole thing to mix at first.

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From the Vitamix recipe book, strawberry freeze is wonderful.

Our favorite smoothie is spinach, a banana, a few carrots, frozen mixed berries, an apple or a pear, about 1 cup of water, and a few almonds. Including frozen fruit means you don't need to add ice.

I also made the California Salsa with lime juice instead of lemon and really like it.

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Mine did come with the recipe book, but I must be bad at choosing because nothing tastes very good so far.


This morning I did my own thing & used half a can of coconut water, half orange, half banana, pineapple & some honey. Oh, & I put in 1 tablespoon of powdered creamer. Weird, I know, but it was sitting there & I added it.:) Turned out good!


I have also looked at the strawberry freeze, so it is good to hear positive reviews of that recipe. Thanks so much!

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Not weird to me. The strangest things have been randomly tossed into ours just because I can. I go through phases where everything tastes great and where some things are awful. There was a slight learning curve in the beginning. There is the alfedo sauce that I like but I do fullfat products and you have to eat it warm as it is no good when it cools off. My cookbook is full of lowfat this and that and pretty disappointing so I just experiment.

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Well for starters, I don't "cook" in mine.


I don't do the dump ingredients and turn on for 10 minute recipes. I still think soup needs to be started in a pot with lots of onions, garlic, etc. I use the blender to puree them smooth, or for sauces.


I just see it as an awesome blender, but it doesn't really change my cooking.


Smoothies are just whatever fruit, nuts, some kind of liquid, ice or use frozen fruit.


I LOVE coconut milk, almonds, blueberries and protein powder. Or greek yogurt instead.


I make nut butters, and I do use it to make butter smooth cheese sauce:


10 ounces milk

1 tblsp cornstarch

1/2 tsp dry mustard

1/2 tsp salt/pepper (or to taste)

6 ounces cubed/shredded cheese. I use sharp white cheddar


Heat the milk in a sauce pan, all except a couple tblsp that you will mix with the cornstarch and set aside. After the milk simmers, stir the cornstarch in and simmer a minute. Put the cheese, mustard, S&P in your blender, then pour the milk over it and blend for about 15 seconds. It makes the smoothest sauce ever. It's great for baked rice dishes, over pasta, over veggies, or mix with salsa for a good dip.


ETA: I also make fruit "ice cream." Just frozen fruit and a little cream. Use the tamper to get it going. I use splenda but you can use a dash of whatever sweetener you want. I use my Vitamix several times a day. I can't think of all the things I make with it right now

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