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Freezer Meals

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Can mashed potatoes be frozen for later, or will that make them gross? I've got a few ideas for freezer meals, but what sides are good for freezing? Of should I just stick to casserole type dishes? Any chicken ideas? I have lots of beef ideas... Thanks!

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Cooked potatoes freeze just fine. They will freeze better if you put cream cheese or greek yogurt in them and will be creamier!


Very few things won't freeze. I have yet to find a list that I fully agree with. For example this list says not to freeze stuffed breast. Well, it depends on what you are using as stuffing. It also says not to freeze ricotta. But with that they mean in the container as a stand alone, not in a lasagna that hasn't been baked. So if you see it in the freezer section at the grocery store, it will probably work ok.

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In my personal experience, it depends on how you are freezing them and reheating them. The texture and sometimes flavor changes a bit, but it isn't bad, especially in soups and stews. I have also frozen sheppards pie (mashed potatos on top) and when cooked in the oven (always the best way to heat freezer meals IMO) tastes almost as good as fresh. Honestly, unless you or your family are very picky, I would try to freeze whatever you want and see how you like it. You could even make it for a meal and freeze the left overs before you made a big batch.


I just made a bunch of freezer meals this weekend and used several recipies from this http://joelens.blogspot.com/2007/01/freezer-friendlymake-ahead.html blog.


I made several main dishes and then got seveal bags of frozen veggies and we always have salad stuff on hand so I feel I can pull together a whole meal very easily and they aren't all casseroles.

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