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Favorite educational CD's to listen in the car

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We've been listening to stories and educational music in the car this summer and I'd like to add to our rotation with your tried-and-true CD's. So far, we've heard Story of the World, Vol. 1 (fantastic!); 2 Jim Weiss mythology CD's (I liked them more than the kids; Little House on the Prairie (loved it!); a and ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1344802483&sr=8-6&keywords=addition+cd music CD (the kids like it.)


What do you listen to in the car?

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Well, we rarely listen to things in the car since any car trip is the whole family going somewhere special (ie. Gramma's house) in which case I try to find a fun audio book everyone will enjoy - including dh.


Some educational things we listen to in the house are:


The Burgess Bird book by Thornton W. Burgess

The Burgess Animal book by Thornton W. Burgess


You can search these boards and find the audio recording my dh made of Mr. Q Life science


I think several magic school bus books have been made into audio


Grammar Land (I think 6 is a bit young for it - but if he is advanced in writing)


I have not done it yet, but you can try, "The Fairy Land of Science"


And my one recommendation that is no available for free download here or on LibriVox:


It's not non-fiction, but it is full of science information: George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and it's sequel by Lucy and Stephen Hawking

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