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HOD Users, Help!


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My DD who is finishing up her K year with LHFHG right now was all set to go in Beyond in September when we plan to start our new year (we go year round).




After much thinking and discussion with DH and other homeschoolers, I'd really like to get my DD and my DS combined. They are only 22 months apart and I think it would be the best for our family. My personality freaks out when I think about running three guides later on, but I could probably handle two. icon_smile.gif Now here's my dilemma. My DD places perfectly in Beyond. My DS has completed LHTH and is wrapping up the Animal Play curriculum from Teach Me Joy right now. I hadn't planned on using LHFHG with him this fall because of various reasons, but I was going to use it the next year for his 1st grade year. He will be 5 in December.


If I can find some way to combine them this year using something else, than I could feasibly put them in Beyond together the next year. Or if I continue my plan with DS and do something else with DD this year....But what about LHFHG? Do I just skip it with my DS? Do I try to do it with him this year? (I really didn't want to do it back to back).


What do I do with DD this year instead?


I hope this was at least a little coherent. I've been thinking about this so much my brain feels fried. icon_neutral.gif

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How about Galloping the Globe or Expedition Earth from Confessions of a Homeschooler? I did GTG in the same situation as you (after LHFHG for K with older ds & younger dd) and we found a nice low-key routine after a couple of months. EE came out in the middle of our year and I liked the looks of it as well.

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I didn't think about those. Would you do that with both children? So skip LHFHG completely for my DS?

We are doing this while I wait for dd to be ready for HOD Bigger. I am using Children Just Like Me as the spine and getting info from Galloping the Globe to help. We just finished MFW Adventures and felt she needed an Intro to the World before doing another year of US History. There is also a site someone here posted about that goes along with this


It has lapbook ideas, printables, and ideas.

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Last year we did Bigger with a 5 and 7 year old (both have birthdays in the fall so by the end of the year they were 6 and 8). That year went fine and I did have to help the 6 year old somewhat, but it was manageable. The problem came in when they were ready for Preparing- I knew the 6 year old would not be able to do the work. This meant either repeating a guide with her or moving on to something else. We chose to move on. But up through Bigger it is definitely doable to combine the two.

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have you looked into trying to combine them with Sonlight? I am working through HOD and Sonlight and trying to get my 2 oldest combined. :) I tried combining this year in beyond but my dd who is 5 isn't ready yet, so they are in LHFHG and BLHFHG. I might take a year off with my oldest and try to combine them when dd is ready for bigger and use Sonlight for another year with my son :)

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I think it will be fine for this year, but it is going to cause difficulty in future as guides beef up in Preparing and up.


Trying to think.....maybe do Beyond at slower pace with Galloping the Globe as well.


Hmmm....I will brainstorm. :)


I worry about this too. *sigh* I just don't know if I can do the logistics of running three guides later on. I'm still worried about running two!


have you looked into trying to combine them with Sonlight? I am working through HOD and Sonlight and trying to get my 2 oldest combined. :) I tried combining this year in beyond but my dd who is 5 isn't ready yet, so they are in LHFHG and BLHFHG. I might take a year off with my oldest and try to combine them when dd is ready for bigger and use Sonlight for another year with my son :)


I have looked at Sonlight several times, but the price tag is very hindering. Also many of the threads here make me worried about dealing with Sonlight.

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I will put in that doing 2 HOD guides isn't bad at all right now and I have 2 little ones to add in later so I totally understand wanting to combine. HOD does put in independent work for the kids as they get older, so your oldest will be doing some independent work by the time you add in your little one. :)

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Okay thanks. :) I'll look into that!


So does everyone think that my DS will be fine if he skips LHFHG and goes straight into Beyond?


I think so. I ended up choosing MFW K with dd5 this past year and am now reading the Burgess books to her (along with the questions) and she's loving it. It just fit her better. I think she'll be fine. :)

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