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To those with first and second graders whO are horrible spellers...

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My son seemed a hopeless spelling case, through first, second, and third grade. But we never gave up. I did the "right thing" and finished a good solid 3 years of Phinics and did spelling faithfully every day as well as a year of studied dictation. Last year, in 4th grade, I really started seeing a difference. He began to put vowels in his words, there were the correct number of syllables, and other similar improvements.


Now he is starting 5th and I have to say, that I'm shocked at how well he can spell! He will write a whole paragraph with only one error. It's amazing.


His spelling is probably still not at his current grade level but I know now that he will at least not be constantly frustrated by it.


So...keep plugging away because consistent, daily practice makes the difference. I'm sure his avid reading helped too.

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Thanks so much for shining the light at the end of the tunnel. My nine year old is improving every year, but it is a slow process! Words of success and encouragement are always welcome. I am glad that your perserverence is paying off for you.

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My son was an early, natural reader so I (wrongly!) assumed spelling would come easily for him. :lol:

Midway through 4th grade, spelling finally clicked for him. Now - beginning of 5th grade - writing is starting to click.

It was a long, worrisome road to get here. I had days and weeks where I didn't think I would ever be able to teach him to write more than a few simple, phonetic words.

You are so correct - daily, consistent work pays off. :D

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Thanks for the encouragement. My DS (8) and beginning third struggles with spelling. I keep plugging away hoping one day it will click. I see small improvements from time to time and just keep on going. He is an avid reader so, I too, wrongly assumed that it would translate to spelling, no such luck. He is getting better by and by and I appreciate the encouragement. :)

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My oldest is like that and I felt like a terrible teacher forever until I read this and had an epiphany:she is right-brained! http://www.therightsideofnormal.com/2012/04/16/the-natural-learning-development-for-right-brained-children/


It talks about the different stages of growth (corresponding to the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages) children have and what ages they pick things up depending on whether they are right or left brained.


My daughter is totally an artist-historian. She has good reading comprehension but when she reads out loud she misses little words or just skips them. Drove me nuts. Now I am understanding her better. Poor thing, she is just the opposite of me and I was so judgmental....

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My oldest is like that and I felt like a terrible teacher forever until I read this and had an epiphany:she is right-brained! http://www.therightsideofnormal.com/2012/04/16/the-natural-learning-development-for-right-brained-children/


It talks about the different stages of growth (corresponding to the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages) children have and what ages they pick things up depending on whether they are right or left brained.


My daughter is totally an artist-historian. She has good reading comprehension but when she reads out loud she misses little words or just skips them. Drove me nuts. Now I am understanding her better. Poor thing, she is just the opposite of me and I was so judgmental....



I feel like you were describing my son and myself. Thank you for your post. It's nice to know I am not alone. :001_smile:

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