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What Would You Do... Yearly Currc. Planning


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We only made it through half of our SL core this past year... we had a fall full of adoption travel and even though we got through every thing else we didn't get through the Core. We are literally only half way through it.


So... what would you do?

If we did it daily we'd finish it in January or February... then we have 14-16 weeks we don't have any thing like that to do.


My ideas are:

- Just not do history for those weeks and focus on finishing up other stuff strong.

- Find some shorter unit studies and do them.

- Do Beautiful Feet Character study.

- Start the next Core and always be "off" in our schedule.


What would you do???



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I would just find some unit studies to fill the time. You could even stretch the core out over the rest of the year by inserting unit studies as you go along. Maybe take a break from the core in the fall to do a science/nature unit study or take a break in Dec to do a Christmas unit study. You could gear some of them toward the little children, which could be a lot of fun.


I wouldn't want to be off by half a year. Maybe I'm a little type-A, but it would drive me crazy to have my schedule be off permanently.

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Tiara... how do you do SL Cores with 2 different levels... what does that look like in your day?


We have 2 on the low side of Core A and 1 on the upper side, so it works for us, I really don't know how we'd do 2 of them...



Also, great ideas... but you all aren't really helping me. haha! I like the input however...

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Tiara... how do you do SL Cores with 2 different levels... what does that look like in your day?


We have 2 on the low side of Core A and 1 on the upper side, so it works for us, I really don't know how we'd do 2 of them...



Also, great ideas... but you all aren't really helping me. haha! I like the input however...


It hasn't been hard for me to handle two cores yet. My day with SL is:


I start the day with Bible. I'm only reading the Egermeier's (Core A) and Awesome Book of Bible Facts (Core C) out loud. Ds8 does his Bible reading and Kay Arthur study during rest time. And we talk about it later in the day.


I do history 2-3x/week with ds8 (we don't have to do it everyday to finish a week's worth of history). I do this at the beginning of rest time which is right after lunch. Ds6 is welcome to sit in if he wants and usually does. On the other days, I cover the history and culture readings with ds6.


We do all of our non-history read alouds before bedtime. Dh puts ds1 down with his board books while I do the three older boys. I go from youngest to oldest so that I can put ds4 down when he starts to get restless or disruptive. He typically makes it through ds6's stories before heading off to his own room. He really enjoyed My Father's Dragon last night.


I only do the core and use other programs for science (combining the boys into Noeo) and LA.

Ds8 now reads all of his readers on his own. We talk about what he's reading every so often at meals. Ds6 reads to me after lunch or in the evening.


I hope that helps.

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