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Is this swimmers ear?

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This morning, I woke up feeling like I had slept on my ear wrong. I rolled over expecting it to stop hurting pretty quickly. Like it had just been folded wrong under me or something. When it didn't stop hurting, I pushed around a little on it to see if I could figure out where it hurt and ended up wondering if it was actually my jaw - I'm a teeth grinder.


I got up and it felt a lot better after awhile.....that is until I reached up and brushed my hand against my ear. THAT hurt! I realized then, that it wasn't my jaw but my ear....like um...let's see if I can explain this.....like right above the ear canal, behind the cartilage. I can press on the ear, like I'm plugging it, without pain, but I can't do anything that would move/wiggle my ear.


I do have a constant (but faint) dull ache, and we did go swimming in a lake 3 times last week (the last of which was a week ago today). One of those times, I felt like I got water in my ear (the same one), but also felt like I got most of it out right away. I don't recall having that "water in my ear" feeling after we were done, nor do I recall feeling the water come out later.


I don't have any sense of fullness or water in my ear.....just pain. I've never had swimmers ear. Does this sound like what it could be?

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Sounds like it. You can mix half rubbing alcohol and half vinegar together. Put some of that in your ear several times a day. It will probably take a few days to get better but it's way cheaper than the antibiotics for swimmers ear!


:iagree: This is what we do when ds gets swimmers ear.

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