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Almost "cut off" from Sonlight....


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No insult taken here janny!:001_smile: It just cracks me up to think that some folks would do that to save a buck.:D


I'm not sure that Sonlight did the right thing by telling me their spill, but I know that I need to get my act together and probably just write Sonlight off my list of choices. It's a great program for the right kid, but obviously not for us. I say this after praying and with much thought over the past few days.


Good night hive! ;)



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But they didn't tell her she can't return any more. They told that if she returns any more, she can't BUY from them.


It's easy to solve the return problem without barring someone from ever being a customer again. I think that's weird and shady.




BUT, they have a policy to permit you to return their items if you don't like it. SO, if they sell to her they are bound to honor the policy. Thus they figure she's tried just about everything there is to try, so it's best for everyone involved if she just moves onward.


There is a LOT of curriculum out there. I mean a LOT, & choosing can be SOO hard! I found the only way we could make a choice was to make a list of everything I wanted in a curriculum. Then type my list up in order of needs.


While I've always wished I could go to a homeschool convention, it's probably better I can't, because with my list I was able to make an appropriate choice based on my needs & not flashy packaging. :D Having said that, I still wish there were some things I could see in person ;)

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I suppose there are people out there that might copy or scan their material, but I'm clean!:lol: I would hate to put that much work into one of those big guides! That would be alot of material to reproduce.:tongue_smilie:


It's actually not hard or time consuming if you have the right scanner. I have scanned my IGs (for personal use only - print out a copy for each kid to mark up... If I ever sell the IG, the electronic copy will also be deleted). I just stuck the stack in my DH'S printer, and it sucked in each page and scanned both sides. It will handle 50 pages (100 sides) at a time.


I don't think YOU are doing this, of course, but the company has good reason to believe people might be doing that when they return a lot of items.

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I'm sure they probably do thi nk folks could be doing just that!;) I forgot all about themega scanners out there. I'm doing well here just to buy printer ink!:lol: As a matter of fact, I hate copying/printing anything, since ink and etc. can be costly.:tongue_smilie:



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