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Is anyone from DFW and used Scottish Rite?

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My dd, 6 (almost 7) has shown signs of dysgraphia/dyslexia for several years now, but only in this past year have I become convinced that it is more than a developmental issue. Her letter and number reversals are becoming WORSE as she gets older despite daily practice in reading and writing, along with other concerning "symptoms". Anyway, I feel blessed to be here in Texas where we have Scottish Rite Hospital that has a free evaluation and intervention center for dyslexia. I have applied and my daughter was accepted, but is on the evaluation waiting list. Hopefully we will hear from them by the end of August. I was hoping someone here might have some experience with Scottish Rite's Center for Dyslexia and could share their experience. I have only one IRL friend who has been through the process, but it was over 10 years ago and apparently they did not offer much intervention at the time.

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We did not go thru their process, but we did use a tutor trained thru their clinics and officially certified as one of their tutors. I was incredibly impressed with their Take Flight Program. For us it was a terrific program. We chose this tutor over a Barton tutor because we were promised results in 2 years rather than 4.

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My brother went through the process in DFW, but that was about 35 years ago. It did help.


I looked into it for my youngest, but the waiting list where we live was 2 years. If we had still lived in Dallas at that point (had just moved the year before), she could have gotten help through Scottish Rite within 6 months. I ended up being able to remediate her myself, although I did use a tutor to help me figure out my plan for what to do with my dd.

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My daughter went through the program 3 or 4 years ago, when she was 11. It is a fabulous program. She's now a strong reader! More importantly, she loves, loves, loves to read! I remember the first time I told her to get her nose out of a book. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I started crying. For so long, she couldn't read without tears. My now 15 year old sweetie is coordinating a book club this coming school year for Virtual Homeschool Co-op. I can't say enough good things about their work. I hope it will as helpful for your daughter!

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