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Foreign Language Transcript ?

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Hi Everyone,


My oldest took a French I course with Breaking the Barrier her sophomore year but struggled with it due to lack of practice that the curriculum offered. We tried supplementing with Live Mocha but still struggled. She learned quite a bit of vocabulary and some conversational phrases but I'm not sure if she retained enough to go onto a French II level.


Fast forward....now it's her senior year and my question is this.....if we were to choose to use another French I level course and gather the hours needed for another credit should we list it as French I again or French II? As long as you have at least 120 hours of study in a subject it's considered a credit but what do I label it as on her transcript?



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I wasn't sure myself either so I actually did go ahead and contact a university that my daughter might contemplate just to make sure. The admissions director said it would, indeed, fulfill the requirement of two years' study of one language and that it would not keep her from being admitted. She said they just want to see two years worth of studying one language. I was actually surprised and thought they might not count it towards 2 years. This isn't an ivy league school of course, but still a very good state university.


All colleges are different though. It really is best to check just to make sure.


Thanks again Regentrude!

Edited by Momof3Maidens
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