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ADHD and omega vitamins

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My Dd has ADHD and we are choosing no meds at this time. I was wondering if anyone has tried the omega vitamins for the ADHD and what results you have had. She is allergic to fish, but I have found some fish free omega 3, 6, and 9 that I would like to try, or am I wasting my money?? We are new to this ADHD stuff, just found out about 5 months ago.

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Omega3 is a particular type of fat, called a 'long chain fatty acid'.

Which is a basic building material for the brain.

Where you have probably heard of the brain's grey and white matter?

Where the white matter, is this fat.

But in our modern diet, we often don't get enough of these omega3 fats.

Where children need a lot more of it, as they are still building their brains.

So that an omega3 supplement can just make sure that their brain has what it needs.

Where given that oily fish are a main source, and that she is allergic to fish?

It is quite possible that she isn't getting enough?

But the only way to find out, is to take it for a couple of months.

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