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? for MFW AHL users

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My ds will be starting MFW AHL in a few weeks. I would like him to use The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study instead of Taking the Old Testament Challenge. The AHL guide shows what chapters are read in the Bible each day and they don't match up really well with the reading and questions in the other book. If I have my ds read the OT at a different pace than what's in the guide, will that affect any other areas of the curriculum? Meaning... Is what's read in the Bible affect what is being read/done daily in History and English? Would it matter if my ds is a few chapters off here or there?



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I'm feeling a little confused.. probably the heat index where I live...


so.. forgive me ahead of time for repeating stuff... and especially since we did whl this year and ahl before that...and that I'm not familiar with the book you plan to sub in. but trying to get the conversation started to help you...


The bible readings did match what was assigned in OTC. The schedule from the planner is the driving force. it will tell you where to turn in OTC. there are several schedules in OTC, but AHL doesn't use those.


If you're off a few chapters here and there it probably wont' matter for the whole year... a few times it will matter with English and history especially with Job and some Psalms as they are in English section. (JOb will have a tie in with English during Gilgamesh reading and essay)


I'm guessing it will be mostly ok to use a different study guide. I think AHL uses a chronological reading approach like The Most Important... it may not match precisely. I know the chronological reading schedule my adult sunday school class doesn't 100% match other chronological schedules..


if you use the AHL reading schedule... could you then use the appropriate study from the guide and have it work out too?


anyway... I doubt that was helpful.. but maybe it will get an answer started? it probably will turn out ok if one of two chapters here and there don't precisely match.




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some of the Psalms are scheduled in "bible/history" part of the lessons and match up with chronological stuff.


but you might glance through the English gird to see if other stuff I probably missed. I don't think my list was exhaustive.....



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My ds will be starting MFW AHL in a few weeks. I would like him to use The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study instead of Taking the Old Testament Challenge. The AHL guide shows what chapters are read in the Bible each day and they don't match up really well with the reading and questions in the other book. If I have my ds read the OT at a different pace than what's in the guide, will that affect any other areas of the curriculum? Meaning... Is what's read in the Bible affect what is being read/done daily in History and English? Would it matter if my ds is a few chapters off here or there?




I looked at this book and it looks really good! My son did AHL and really liked it except for Old Testament challenge. I'm curious to know how you are going to use the The Most Important Thing...


I have another son doing AHL this year. I just don't know if changing the assignments would confuse him or do you just do the next thing and not worry about the AHL schedule? Will your ds read the whole Bible or just the portions to answer the questions? How long will it take each day and are you doing the whole OT in one year like AHL does?

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