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Classical Conversations Foundations Guide v App

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This will be our first year in CC. The director is telling us that the iPad app will be sufficient - that it will have everything the Guide would have.


iTunes doesn't have a Cycle 1 app yet.


If you have seen/used the app in the past cycle, did you think it was interchangeable with the printed Guide? Not considering things like being able to highlight, makes notes, etc - just a direct content comparison.



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OK, I looked up what you are talking about at itunes. Android (Kindle Fire) does not have the cycle app but honestly it looks the same as the online tutorial that they offer through CCC. I had access to that and still found the guidebook useful.

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I have the itunes app for Cycle 3 and, while it has all the songs, the guide has much, much more information. I'm surprised your director says it is sufficient, as the guide not only has a written detailed list of what is covered every week, but lots of info in the back on the Bible memory, geography, etc., etc. Unless the Cycle 1 app is much more detailed (which isn't even out yet, not sure when it's due out), I would say the Guide is necessary.



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