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Anyone else starting to preschool a younger child?

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I have one in 6th and one in 4th this year. Our dd4 is SOOOO preschool ready I want to begin doing so formally with her this year, too.


We're already reading through "Teaching Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons". Doing simple School Zone worksheets for tracing, letters, numbers, etc. She is my artsy kid, so I need to add in Art each week.


Is that enough for preschool? Or should I add in some more stuff...?


Anybody have creative ideas for me to incorporate?




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Me!!! I think what you have planned is great. I am trying to incorporate some intentional work on fine motor skills for my ds4 into his day, but likely your dd doesn't need that so much. :001_smile:


What I need and I want is some ideas about how to lose littlest's "school" in the shuffle of big kids' school. It's not that I want to do a lot of stuff, just that if I don't get super intentional about it, I won't get any of it done. Any tips?:D

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That sounds good to me. My DS2 will be 4 in October, and he BEGS to do schoolwork with me. We have some workbooks from Rainbow Resource that he loves, and I'm thinking about doing 100 Easy Lessons with him. He comes along for the ride with the big kids' history, science, art, etc. too, and co-op will have a class for him too.

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