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Help w/X-Country Trip Leg 1: CT-OH

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We are planning a cross country trip for this fall. It may not happen depending on dh's work situation, but needs to be planned so if we can go, we'll be all prepared :)


I'm hoping the WTMers can help! Here's what I'm looking for (and I'll be posting a new thread for each "leg" of our trip):


-recommendations for inexpensive chain or other hotels in these areas

-recommendations for inexpensive but nice, clean, safe campgrounds in these areas

-recommendations for "must see" things in these areas


Our first "leg" will be from CT to OH, via Buffalo. We are planning on a one night stay/visit in the Buffalo area and then on to the Cleveland area, probably also for just one night.


Here's what we have already expressed interest in seeing, but we'd love feedback on whether they're worth it or not. We know we will not be able to see everything we'd like to, it's more or less a wish list to cull from. Also, not knowing any of these areas, the things we'd like to do may just be too far from the area we'll be staying in.


-Niagara Falls

-Lake Erie islands

-Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame

-Thomas Edison home/museum

-Cedar Point


We would so appreciate any help from those of you who are familiar with these areas!!!

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Niagara Falls is fun. Absolutely gorgeous. The Canadian side is prettier, so go there if you have time. Take the Maid of the MIst tour - definitely. Lots of fun! We also rode on a HUGE ferris wheel on the Canadian side. That was really fun!


I didn't find that we needed more than a couple hours there. Niagara Falls - the city itself is really cheesy and touristy and we didn't like it much. And, the hotels there are all overpriced. So, leave and drive a couple more hours that night.


Cedar Point is amazing! Do your kids like rides? They have some of the biggest, fastest roller coasters in the world. Definitely worth a stop. The hotels on property are NOT worth the additional cost. They are worn down and ugly (IMNSHO!). We stayed off property for less at Great Wolf Lodge (but we had the HUGE suite and shared with my sister's family - so that may have been why it was cheaper). It was a 10 minute drive to CP.


Lake Erie Islands. We're doing this for the first time next year! You'll have to let me know if you like them.


Hotel chains - I have a cousin who swears by Drury Inn. She says they set a spread out around 5 pm that is their dinner! And they have a free breakfast. It's nothing fancy, but it's cheap and food is free and they all have indoor pools.


See if you can't earn free nights. I know sometimes Marriott will run a special where you stay three nights and the fourth is free. See if any chains are running those specials.

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Thanks Jennifer! This is exactly the type of info I am looking for :)


Quick question: my kids are not big coaster fans. They can do all the ones at Disney (including EE) but I doubt they'd do much more than that. Are there still enough rides they'd be able to go on where it would be worthwhile? Also, do you know of any way to get discounted tickets?

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I think it is worth it! If they like EE, there will be a ton of roller coasters for them. Im thinking of some of the older coasters from when i was in high school - gemini, corkscrew, iron dragon, and the like. Those dont have huge lines! And you may be able to encourage them to ride something bigger!


Discounts - sometimes in our area, if you buy a soda (I forget if it's Pepsi to coke), and have it at the door, you get a discount. One time, I think it was $8 per ticket. We went last year with a group discount. Beyond that, I don't know. Google search it! Google hs all the answers! :001_smile:

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