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maternity belts

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On another thread I mentioned that I have this pelvic pain from my fifth pregnancy...


so here is my questions...my husband bought a maternity belt for me.


1) Are they safe for the fetus?

2) He bought an extra large thinking I will grow in it and that I look like I am about to get into labor even though I am only 5 months preggo. I am not a big person--I am 5'0 and 120lbs when I first got pregnant. Is it safe to wear the XL even though essentially I began as a small person?


I have no idea what brand he bought and it came with no directions or labels!!! He bought it from ebay. It is the kind that has a strap below the belly and one above...nothing over the shoulders.


I am not finding instant relief other than I peed in my pants right away.

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I pulled an abdominal muscle when pregnant with my youngest - it hurt so much to walk! I ended up wearing a maternity belt and it was WONDERFUL!!! It helped so much. For me, it was instant relief, so I wonder if you have the wrong size. We bought the size that I was before pregnant. Also, my belt was just a simple single band that would stretch across my abdomen right below my belly. HUGE help and very safe. I hope you find one that works for you and get some relief!

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I lived in my maternity belt with all three kids. They are safe. Generally you pick the size you were pre-pregnancy, but you'll have to see how it works for you.


:iagree: I felt it instantly. It was like having a hand under the baby, supporting it. My back felt better immediately. If you don't feel a change, it's probably not snug enough. You might need a smaller size.

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My muscles separated with my third and fourth. Neither baby tolerated the belt well -- both threw major fits as long as I had it on (this was typical for #4, she was quite active and opinionated, but very unusual for #3, who was mellow from the start). So, it gave mild relief on the outside, but I took enough of a beating from the inside that it wasn't a great solution for me.

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