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Do you know of "snailmail" correspondence classes?


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Does anyone know of good correspondence classes that would work by regular ink type mail (snail mail) rather than by computer? I would particularly be interested in such a thing in writing suited to 4th-5th grade level.


Thank you!

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I was going to recommend American School or Keystone correspondence courses for high school, but for 4/5th grade, hmm. If you use Calvert with the teacher grading service, the work is sent in via snail mail. I'm not sure about any others. :bigear:

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Texas Tech independent school district had snail mail correspondence last I checked. University of Missouri online had something similar, but lately I can't seem to access any of the elementary course information. I'm wondering if they discontinued it. I do have a link to a 5th grade sample.



I'm listening for other options, too.



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