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S/O Anyone NOT excited about the upcoming school year?

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the possibilities excite me, the realities really don't.


That's what I would have said if I was as good with words as you. :lol:


I really am excited if I'm imagining those Sonlight catalog children and ignoring the extra non-school things I'm expecting to be dealing with this year.

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I'm not but I think it's mostly because I know I have only one year left before my oldest starts high school. I know that in fall of 2013 I'll be even more freaked out because he'll actually be starting high school work. I always said I'd be ok with them being home for high school, but now that it's almost upon me I worry about doing a good enough job.


On top of getting my soon to be 8th grader up to snuff I've had to delay my dd and youngest so they will repeat 4th and 1st grade this year since things just didn't go as I planned last year. My dd had issues that have delayed her reading ability, so she's only reading at a 2nd grade level and had lots of vision therapy last year. She graduates from therapy next Monday, so hopefully now that reading is moving in the right direction things will go a bit more smoothly. It's hard when I know she can comprehend on a 4th grade level but needs someone to be with her every minute because she can't read things well enough to do the work independently. My youngest just kind of got put in a holding pattern although that did help to get him squared away on some fine motor skills issues.


I also think a large part of my "Blah" is because dh has been away for almost a year now, he was supposed to have returned from deployment in May, but we still have at least a month left to go. I'm also dealing with a father dying of cancer who is 1000 miles away from me and who doesn't want us coming to see him as he feels so horrible.


This year has really stunk so far.

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I'm not but I think it's mostly because I know I have only one year left before my oldest starts high school. I know that in fall of 2013 I'll be even more freaked out because he'll actually be starting high school work. I always said I'd be ok with them being home for high school, but now that it's almost upon me I worry about doing a good enough job.


On top of getting my soon to be 8th grader up to snuff I've had to delay my dd and youngest so they will repeat 4th and 1st grade this year since things just didn't go as I planned last year. My dd had issues that have delayed her reading ability, so she's only reading at a 2nd grade level and had lots of vision therapy last year. She graduates from therapy next Monday, so hopefully now that reading is moving in the right direction things will go a bit more smoothly. It's hard when I know she can comprehend on a 4th grade level but needs someone to be with her every minute because she can't read things well enough to do the work independently. My youngest just kind of got put in a holding pattern although that did help to get him squared away on some fine motor skills issues.


I also think a large part of my "Blah" is because dh has been away for almost a year now, he was supposed to have returned from deployment in May, but we still have at least a month left to go. I'm also dealing with a father dying of cancer who is 1000 miles away from me and who doesn't want us coming to see him as he feels so horrible.


This year has really stunk so far.



:grouphug: i'm so sorry about your dad. And I know how hard it is to school and everything else with your Dh deployed, I hope he gets home soon and you guys take some family time.

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Not excited, not intrigued, not there AT.ALL.

dread, hesitance....


I would rather just have apathy...lol:D


Right now, I am in a holding pattern....waiting the days out until I can figure some other stuff out.


We will start second week of August come hell or high water....but, I don't need to be all gushy about it....do I?



:iagree: I haven't made final curriculum decisions yet..

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I am definitely not feeling the love. We've been hs'ing for 4 years, starting our 5th now, and I'm tired. Our month off for June just hasn't been enough like the other years. I was so excited all the other starting times, but I am just not there. I hope the school supplies at the end of August will light a fire in me. :001_huh:

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