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Do you have many friends? Do you spend much time with others?

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Dh used to worry about me the same way. My lack of friends used to bother me, too.


I decided to embrace it. Dh is completely freaked out. (He thinks it's his job to help me w/ this stuff, encourage me to get out, etc.) LOL He's sweet, but it's been a real release to let go of the "expectation" that I'll have other women friends. Umm...not that I have men friends. I have kids, lol. That's it.



My DH just cannot understand not being a social butterfly. I admire his tremendous capacity for social activity, but I just don't have it. I know that deep down, he doesn't like this about me, and kind of thinks it's something "wrong" with me. Thank goodness our DS takes after DH, otherwise DH would really be disappointed!

Michelle T

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My DH just cannot understand not being a social butterfly. I admire his tremendous capacity for social activity, but I just don't have it. I know that deep down, he doesn't like this about me, and kind of thinks it's something "wrong" with me. Thank goodness our DS takes after DH, otherwise DH would really be disappointed!

Michelle T


Funny thing is, my dh isn't much more outgoing than me. He's got a couple of close friends, & that's it. I had a couple of close friends until we married--him & his room mate, lol.


I just don't tend to have much in common w/ women. And the older I get, the more I notice how much it wears me out to be around people, even people I enjoy.


Dh just thinks I'd be happier if I had a couple of friends. To some extent, he may be right. Living here, we've got a couple of neighbors who hs & I see once in a while, & that's nice, but if more effort than opening my blinds were required...LOL

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I just don't tend to have much in common w/ women. And the older I get, the more I notice how much it wears me out to be around people, even people I enjoy.

:iagree: :iagree:



Amen! I am almost pathological in my introversion. You might think this is odd given my profession (and you'd be right ;)); but, the uniform acts as a shield of sorts and, besides, my patients don't generally call 911 just to socialize.


I have a few friends, none of whom have children of their own (two couples by choice). The third friend and her husband are desperate to have children and she finds being around my children like pouring salt in an open wound. Ergo, she doesn't want to be around me with or without my kids. So, I guess the ultimate answer to the question is that I don't have anyone I spend time with outside family. Within the family, even my kids have learned that Mama needs quiet time.

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We live in a small mountain town that is very transient. I have had periods of a few good friends and periods without any. I am a much happier momma when I have friends. It is a blessing to share this walk with other like minded people, to laugh, cry and bear each others burdens. It is also good for my marriage when I have friends. Men are naturally less verbal than women and it is good for me to get my verbal needs met with friends instead of exhausting my poor husband. LOL


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