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Anyone switched from Abeka to MUS?


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I'm switching our 12dd from Abeka (she's done it from K) to MUS. Has anyone had trouble transitioning? I'm concerned about introducing manipulatives at such a late time, but we had a very difficult time staying current last year because there was so much new material covered so often, and with 7 dc, I felt like her getting behind was my fault. Our goal is to get her a program that will tutor her when Mom can't. We looked into Teaching Textbooks, but that wasn't going to work for us.


The posts here have been very helpful to me as I've lurked around a bit. Looking forward to some valuable input. Thanks!

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We did Abeka for two years and then switched to MUS. I don't know if I can help much as we have always used manipulatives with math.


DD has always struggled with math, and MUS really helps her to understand the why of what she is doing. It is much easier for me to check up on her and not have to teach her daily. We have 5 dc and I don't know how I could spend an hour a day doing math with all my school aged children.


Ds loves math and got discouraged with Abeka 3, is now happily doing division which he hated in Abeka.


What sold me on MUS was watching the demo of algebra, I never saw a polynomial before. It made so much sense to me and I know I could not teach math that way without help.




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I am switching over from Abeka, but only for my younger kids. Abeka just isn't working for my K student. He needs hands-on, so I am switching him, his 3rd grade sister, and we'll invite his 4yo brother along to glean what he can.


We do use Teaching Textbooks for the older kids, though.

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