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Which board do you hang out on the most?

Where do you spend the most time at The Hive?  

  1. 1. Where do you spend the most time at The Hive?

    • K-8 Curriculum Board
    • General Board
    • Afterschooling
    • High School/College/Self Ed Board
    • Special Needs Board
    • Accelerated Learner Board
    • Sale and Swap Board
    • Testing, Networking or Admin Announcements
    • I have several favorites such as ____
    • I'm a figment of you imagination and not really here on any of the boards

Recommended Posts

My goodness, you're on a roll today Chucki! I've been so good recently avoiding these boards, and now you're making them far too interesting :glare:.


Really! This place is really hopping these days! I've been sidetracked with the widespread flooding in the area (and listening to a big fan drying the basement) for a few days, and whallaa! Boards are filled with l o n g posts! :lol:


I'm another 'new posts' thread watcher. Once in a while I'll head to the high school board, but as a rule, new posts it is!

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I started this and don't think I told my preference. I stared out on the curriculum board but it started costing me lots of money;). So I stopped going there unless I needed to look for info.


Then I hung out at the GB for years.


Recently I discovered the long overlooked New Posts button. :D So now I go more places than ever, but I'm careful to mostly stay away from topics I have no experience with.

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I voted "several favorites", but in reality, I rarely hang out on any of the boards. When I visit the forum, I click on "new posts", and read those. I don't usually pay any attention to which board they came from, other than to make note if it is from the For Sale board, to know if the poster wants to discuss a certain curriculum or is selling it.


I have visited the High School and Special Needs boards from time to time, but it's rare. "New Posts" it is for me!



This is exactly what I do. I did vote "general board" though because I know I spend more time there actually posting and reading threads, even though I came at it through the New Posts button.

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