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Classical Conversations Portal question


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Is this no longer going to be available for tutors?


When I was in the decision making process about tutoring next year, a few experienced tutors mentioned how helpful it will be to have access to the cc portal. Now I have been told the portal is only for directors, administration and tutor trainers. Directors can pass on any resources they find to their tutors, but I am supposed to sign up for CC Connected, which is not free. :confused:


Any insights are welcome.



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I'm going into my fourth year as a tutor and we have never had access to the directors portal. We have used the online CC community for our resources. It is 3/month for tutors. I guess I don't know what I'm missing since I have never been on the portal but I have always found many resources on the online CC community site and I'm happy with it.

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Essentials tutors have had access to the CC Portal, that might be what is changing. Foundations tutors have never had "real" access to the CC Portal, like the pp said. If you're a Foundations tutor you will need/want to subscribe to CC Connected. It's not that expensive ($3/month sounds right), but it's not free.

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These are 2 different things. The Portal is for Directors and is business related and has resources for Directors of Foundations/Ess and Challenge programs.


The Connected Community is for everyone else, including and most beneficially for tutors in the Foundations program.


We are getting a new online community, but the rules for who can access what are not changing. Tutors will have just as easy access to all the great resources they have always had. What I hope is that the forum is changed. I hate the format of that thing.

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They have a VERY micro-managed Portal for Directors and (use to be for Essentials Tutors, too) Personally I found it a bit oppressive. The tutors and others who post on the C3 community are helpful. Seriously, if you've ever found people getting in trouble here interesting... it's nothing like CC's control....


There is a lady who has lapbooks that look cool for the different cycles... Already ready to go... (well, you print them) If you're doing CC with kids who like lapbooks, you should try them :)

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They have a VERY micro-managed Portal for Directors and (use to be for Essentials Tutors, too) Personally I found it a bit oppressive. The tutors and others who post on the C3 community are helpful. Seriously, if you've ever found people getting in trouble here interesting... it's nothing like CC's control....


There is a lady who has lapbooks that look cool for the different cycles... Already ready to go... (well, you print them) If you're doing CC with kids who like lapbooks, you should try them :)

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Thanks everyone. Helpful is what I need, as it will be our first year, so I will sign up for the C3 community as soon as I am able.


"There is a lady who has lapbooks that look cool for the different cycles... Already ready to go... (well, you print them) If you're doing CC with kids who like lapbooks, you should try them."


Are these from Wisdom and Righteousness? They do look good, but we've never really tried lapbooks. Maybe we should:)

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