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Speech problem - my 6yo confuses r's and l's...

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I just noticed this when using SWR b/c he will want to start words like "let" or "lot" or "love" with L's. He will sound them out as R.. Then, I thought about the fact that he speaks this way too. Should I be concerned or will it get corrected with SWR and me encouraging the proper use of L's? Thanks!

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However, I would ask, as a speech therapist, if there are other sounds that are mispronounced that you may not have noticed. Does he make "r" sounds in the appropriate words (as opposed to using "r" for "L" substitution)? I would also ask if he makes a correct L sound in any other word contexts (i.e. does he use an L at the end of words like "well").


I absolutely think you could go ahead and try to help him start making correct L sounds as you work on reading. http://www.users.qwest.net/~zoharr/ This resource may be of help to you. Your child may be a bit young to worry about the L sound but I don't think it's too early to see if you can make him aware of it at home.




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I haven't actually watched the videos at that site (at least not for a long time). I presume it must have been showing kids with a W for L substitution which is what usually happens. However, R for L is sometimes seen, just not very often. Actually, it's a very common error of Chinese people trying to learn English. Does your son make this substitution in the middle of words like "always" or "follow"? If you find he can make L in some contexts, thats a good indicator that he is developing the sound & you can use those words to help him transition to making L in other words.



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The difference between r and l is the position of the tongue. Chinese has a sound half way between r and l, thus the confusion. If it works, try showing him where you put your tongue for r & l--perhaps he can first learn it that way. (or watch yourself in the mirror, watch him and coach him)

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