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Dog help needed please! (vet?)

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I took my dog to the vet on Monday because she was scooting. She had also thrown up one time. The vet decided that Bandit's hiney glands had to be expressed. She thought Bandit had been stressed the week before while she (dog) was at the kennel because we were on vacation. So Bandit's glands were expressed and the vet found some pus involved. (ewww) She prescribed Clavamox, which I have been giving to Bandit per instructions. We haven't missed a dose.


So the problem is that Bandit is still scooting and paying a lot of attention to that area. Can I wait until Monday to call them back or should I take her in to the emergency vet?


She's a beagle mix so her hair is not long. She is not overweight.


I may need to bump this up because I'm really hoping someone will know.

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i'm not a vet but my JRT female (fixed) does this occasionally. I've put her in a warm bath before to try to help her. is your dog moving her bowels regularly? Can you feel anything back there? You might have to express her anal glands yourself. If you watched the vet do it, you can do it....my teenaged (at the time) daughter used to have to do it with her guinea pig so i know it's not difficult....just kind of gross. I think....that even if the vet expressed them once, it doesn't mean it doesn't need to be done again...in fact, i'm pretty sure it's not a one time fixes it kind of thing. if she is doing it constantly, then yes, i think a call to the vet is in order (the emergency line if they have one) but if it's only an occasional thing, then i think it can wait until Monday unless you try to do it yourself.

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My DH thinks she's continuing to do it because she's sore and itchy. The vet told me she had rubbed a raw spot and that she would be itchy from it. DH thinks she's stuck in a cycle of scooting to relieve itching/pain and then itching/pain because she keeps on scooting!


I don't know how to express the glands. The vet wore a glove and inserted her finger to do that. I know there is another way of just doing the outside but I'm not sure how to do that.


Ugh. We get her groomed at Petco. Maybe I should take her for grooming because I know they'll epress her glands. I wonder if that could be bad, especially if she is sore? Hm..

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