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Any ideas to keep birds off my pool cover?

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We have an inground pool and we usually keep the solar cover on when we're not using it. It sometimes gets little pools of water on top of the cover and the birds love to use it as a bird bath. It drives me crazy because then there's always bird poop around the edges of the pool. Well, this morning I went out to clean the pool because we're having a party later, and there was a dead bird floating around in there when dh and I rolled up the cover. :ack2: It was a big one, too. A crow, I think.


I've had dead chipmunks and mice in there, but this is the first bird and it really grossed me out. :blink::eek::ack2:


When I'm outside, I bark at the birds like a dog and that gets them to go away temporarily, but it also makes me look pretty silly. :tongue_smilie:


Any ideas for keeping them away?

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Buy a large plastic owl and put it near the pool. It'll work for the chipmunks and mice, and possibly most of the birds too. Or find some other plastic predator.


Good luck!


maybe some kind of motion alarm that will go off?


Both good ideas! I did see one of those owls somewhere.


I have an alarm that goes off if anyone bobs in the water, but the birds are apparently too light to set it off.


Dh's idea was to run an electrified wire across it! :lol::lol::lol:

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