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IEW's poetry memorization--how much time should I schedule?


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We don't exactly follow the program.


Once a week, usually Mondays, we do all that they have memorized so far- that day takes 20 minutes or so.


Then the rest of the week we only do the poem they are learning now (and sometimes repeat something I think they needed more work on from Monday's recitation). I try to do it two or three times a day, instead of two or three times in one sitting. Often we do this while setting the table, or going to bed, so it really doesn't add much to our school day, just a few minutes.


On the first day of a new poem it might take longer, talking about the meaning, vocab, and tricks to help with the memorizing- maybe 10-15 minutes those day.


Some one else on here also gave me the great idea of putting the name of all the poems in a jar and having the kids pick one to recite one evening for the whole family. We do this on Sat. night, our family night, and it has been lots of fun.

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I guess it depends on how "properly" you want to do it. We read the poem we are memorising, once through (or the kids recite it if they have it almost memorised) and then we just go back and recite a couple of older ones. takes 10 mins max.

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